Monday, June 16, 2008

It's Official - Your Congressman Is a Crook.

I'd Stop Laughing If I Were You, Jim......
I don't want to steal anyone's thunder here, or take any credit for it. If you haven't read it yet, take a gander at David Wren's article in the Sun News this weekend. Wren has to be the best and most dangerous reporter in all of South Carolina. Wren was the same reporter who broke the story about Clyburn and Benedict Shogaolu back in 2005. The guy is my hero.......
Wren has uncovered proof that Clyburn is using the earmark system to pull Federal funds to finance projects involving numerous immediate family members. Basically every Clyburn makes his/her living off of the government tit, and Old Jim is the paymaster for it. In short, Wren has real evidence of what we all knew all along - Jim Clyburn is a big friggin' crook.
I hope that this year's race doesn't go along the same route as Gary McLeod used to do, where everything was religion and the Constitution. I'm sure Rick Quinn realizes this, and that he will give Nancy Harrelson all the ammunition needed to inflict some serious damage in Clyburn's armor. Sure, jim is sure he'll be voted in overwhelmingly, but he is misguided in thinking that everyone is mad at the GOP. The fact is that everyone is mad at the incumbents - him included. Then we'll see what happens... Will she win? I doubt it, bu the door is opening wider by the day, as long as her team exploits it properly..
Read this article, and prepare to be stunned and angered....


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    All the papers are picking it up. This will do little to slow ole Jime the Crook up.

  2. You're right , because he thinks he's doing the right thing by "getting our fair share", along with 534 other retards who are running our country into the toilet. The only way to stop people like this is to get rid of them, but too many agree with the viewpoint.

  3. Mike, this is more proof that the American people are tired of the lack of leadership shown by Republicans. Democrats are bringing us fresh new ideas with higher ethical standards.

    Jim Clyburn is one of those Democrats committed to bringing us a new era of honest and visionary leadership, combined with the best of Democratic traditions.

    Money and power will be taken from the corporate elites by the Congressional Democratic majority and redistributed for the good of the country. Obviously, Jim Clyburn plays a key role in those efforts.

    Comrade, redistribution of wealth is not easy. To do this, Jim Clyburn has his hands on lots of money.

    Nancy Pelosi promised us an end to earmarks. Barack Obama promised us change. Jim Clyburn is fully behind them. Why can't you see that?

    Just shut up and go grovel at your nearest Hillary altar until you realize the error of your ways.

  4. I just got into work, but I think I'm going to go home, because I just puked ! Good one ,Earl.

    I never kneel at the HIllary altar, lest I be able to see up her skirt. Thank goodness for the pantsuit.

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Mike you naughty boy

  6. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Well, according to Fox News last night, the Sun article is incorrect. Supposedly, his relatives work in departments that were not affected by the earmarks that Mr Clyburn was responsible. Hey, that's what they said...

  7. They would know better than I would, but the correlation of the money going to so many departments that he has family members involved.

    It seems pretty obvious to me. I need money, I go to Jim's brother or son or nephew, and we make a wish list. Then Jim goes and gets the money for it. Deal done.

  8. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I would think that if the money goes to a wellness center that employs your daughter, even if it goes to a different department, your daughter is going to benefit. The wellness center gets more business and the daughter's paychecks keep coming. It would sorta be like my congressman giving my convenience store money for new cash registers and gas pumps. It's not going straight into my pocket, but I benefit.

  9. Exactly. I can refer customers to my brother's bodyshop if they've had an accident, but I'm not doing it at the taxpayer's expense - it's from the goodness of my heart.. ;)

    many of these programs don't even sound like things the government should be paying for anyway. The system has just gone haywire.

  10. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Jus' hush up an let Jim have his Cuban pork and hoochie...

  11. Anonymous4:30 PM

    send him to jims place on wanamaker avenue in essington pennsylvania for the greatest philly cheese steak

  12. I have had Jim's steak in Downingtown, and it was THE BEST I ever had. There's also one on East Market street in West Chester that is goos also. If you make it to West Chester,look up my Cousin Mike at Reino's Print Center - he's the other Mike Reino.

  13. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I may go see him tomorrow man. Chester itself is not for me. Full of to many Obama signs.
