Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's Time to Come Home...

It's been an interesting month. I almost lost my job - thanks again to my big mouth. Luckily, I have learned a bit from my mistakes, so i didn't go off the deep end and totally blow my stack, and things are back to normal on the job. The problem now is that the post I had a few weeks ago has come to fruition. The posts may be slowing down this week, because the dealership hasn't gotten the wi-fi installed yet, and I won't be able to post from Matt's, because he's leaving...
Yes, as of Monday, I will be homeless. Not technically, but it looks like I'll be spending Monday thru Thursday nights in my car, then cleaning up at work every morning. I'm not ticked off at my brother, although I never understand his unwillingness to stick with a job, but I should have known this by now, so you get what you set up.
I'd like to stay here, but it costs too much to be on my own, and all my obligations are in Florence, so it's time to try and get back home. I want to sleep in my own bed every night, I want to cut grass on Wednesdays and be lazy on Saturdays. I want to spend time with my friends.
I know life has been very crazy over the last year, and most of it has been my own fault. If I could go back and start life over to last July of 2007 and be back at Newsome I would, but that's just not happening. All I can do is be patient, while still affecting change to get where I want to be. I love my house, and I want to be there seven days a week, so the plan is to find work in Flotown again, be in the auto business, or finally moving on to something else.
The other part is to be with the people I care about. Hilton Head is cool, but i have no real relationships with anyone there. It doesn't happen in four months, so it's no suprise. I need to spend more time with my friends, and more with someone in particular. I missed her an unbelievable amount this past Spring, because I needed to take a step back. A funny thing happened, though. I found out that I really missed her. We make each other laugh, and there is a connection between the two of us that I don't have with anyone else. We get each other. I love her, and nothing will happen if I stay in Hilton Head. It's not the only reason, but it is part of it.
In short, my life is tied inextricably to Florence, and unless I cut all ties, i have to come back, and I want to come back. I spent the weekend away last week, and by Monday, I wanted to come home. I want to be home everyday. I want to smile again, like when I'm with those I care about. We'll see how it goes.....
I'll be posting when I can, and it'll be still like the old SC6, not "Tales from my Avalon".... When there is any big news fom this front, I'll let you all know. Wish me luck.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I reckon Flo Town is special to some. I just ain't one of them that has that kind of love for it. Now where you ought to move is Greeleyville or Davis Station. Now if you want a fantasy carry your butt to Costa Rica with me.

  2. No fantasies, Moye. All I have or want is based on realities.

  3. Mike, I can only offer you this bit of advice - find some lonely, older rich sugar momma down there. Trade free room and board during the for ... well, whatever.

    Good luck, dude. But keep employment chatter off blogs. That stuff turns up in google and yahoo searches, which employers love to do these days.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    i wish you well also mike

  5. Thanks AP. Didn't know you read the blog...

    Actually, Matt has weaseled a couple extra days, but this appears to be the last night.

    It's okay as far as work goes. I've told them what was going on, and if I ever was leaving, I'd give two weeks, but it may go on indefinitely...

  6. wow sleeping in your car really? Maybe you should start one of those websites like that woman who got herself in all that debt.! I bet it would work!!

  7. Not yet, but I think I'll be there tonight. It's technically not being homeless, since I do own two houses. Kinda funny, considering I make over $40k a year.

    I've heard of this before - the crazy homeless millionaires living in cardboartd boxes, but I'll try to not let it get that far.. ;)

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Britton may have an idea Mike. She is pretty smart you know.

  9. Let me know if you want to use that discount Quality Inn rate option.

  10. Matt is still on the island, so if he ever gets his own place again (which is likely), I'll have a place. Right now, anything is too much - it's all spread out. Thanks !
