Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PETA's At It Again.....

The Enemy ??
Yes, it's the last week of June, but for those of you with less of a life than me, it's the first week of Wimbledon. With the tennis and tea and fans , comes one other thing - Pigeons.
Those little annoying flying pests with no fear and even less endearing digestive tracts...... They've been a part of Wimbledon as long as there's been a tournament. With all that bird poop, it lessens the experience for the visitors. They have an odd and pretty considerate way to rid the tournament of pigeon crap - Hawks.
The hawks have been quite effective at their job, but thye aren't perfect, and so, Wimbledon officials have been forced to use a different method - sharpshooters. Too many pigeons? KAPOWEE !!! The Third Reich comes in and cleans 'em out. I know, who cares about a few dead pigeons? I'll tell you who.....
It's PETA to the rescue !!!!!! They're making a big stink to the local police about the extermination of the little poopsters. But as usual, PETA has no legal basis to hang their hat on, so they're arguments are baseless in law, and have to clout. Never in my life have I ever seen a group get so much press for doing nothing.
Anywya, life goes on at Wimbledon. There's plenty of tennis and tea and bangers and mash. Just stay away from the Squab on special this week.......


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Peta, still relying on emotional appeal, while their own concentration camp antics are kept off the radar screen. PETA activists have been busted for animal cruelty for offing dogs that might find homes through the SPCA and despite a sympathetic press the stories did hit the press.

    Just who is the pigeon in the Earth Firster's scheme of things?

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    they have a bar at galveston island texas that is called the poop deck it overlooks the gulf
