Saturday, June 07, 2008

SC6 Makes It's Endorsement In the Weirdest Campaign We've Ever Seen...

Woodard & Holland: Come Vote for Us, Danny.. FOREVER, and Ever......

On Tuesday, South Carolina will go to the polls for it's party primaries. In Florence County, that doesn't leave Republican much to vote on. Lindsey Graham vs. Buddy Witherspoon?? Not very exciting, folks. However, we do have a City Council race that could be very close, and it involves the strangest strategy I've ever run into....

The two at-large City Council seats are up for grabs, and they pit Florence county Planning Commission chair Glynn Willis against incumbents Rick Woodard and Bobby Holland. Doesn't sound too abnormal, does it? Well, it's the marketing of Woodard and Holland that is different.

Like conjoined twins, they are running as a team - like Abbott & Costello, Laurel & Hardy, Peanut Butter & Jelly, and - as the deli guy from 'Big Daddy' would say - Lamb & Tunafish. No, I couldn't find a YouTube clip.....Even on the billboards, they are listed together. Pretty good idea I suppose. It saves on the expenses, give voters the impression that they can work with others (but can anyone work with Ed Robinson?), and that you almost HAVE to vote for both of them. I'm sure someone somewhere has done this before, but it's the first time I've seen it locally. However, is it the best way to vote?

I'm sure they would like voters to think that they're equally great councilmen, but that is almost impossible - unless they actually have the same thoughts at the same time on every single topic. Judging by the way the Downtown area is dragging along to be rebuilt, I doubt it. I have heard a thing or two about one of them that would make me vote for the other, but it is only word of mouth, and I don't spill dirt on that, so I will not split the Woodard/Holland baby. You make up your own mind....

That leaves me with my one recommendation: Use one of the two on Glynn Willis. Like I said a few months back, I have dealt with Glynn on various issues with zoning and development for almost five years now. Glynn is a great guy, he's smart, and he really does take all viewpoints into consideration when making decisions. His knowledge of development would be a real asset into getting the ball rolling to turn the downtown area around. He has singlehandedly changed the face and personality on the Florence County Planning Commission, and he could do the same for City Council.

Sure, this flies right in the face of the Woodard-Holland game plan, but the right thing is to vote for the best candidates INDIVIDUALLY, not as a slate, like in Russia. I'll let you pick the other on your own, but make one of them Glynn Willis..


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    downtown is a forgotten area and probably should be
