Monday, June 09, 2008

Texas Governor Mansion Set Ablaze......

Looks Like Tara After the Yankees Came to Town......
Arson seems to be the cause of a fire at the home of Texas Governor Rick Perry in Austin... The Governor and his family weren't staying at the house at the time of the fire. While we could go on an on about the fire and it's causes, or if it was some twisted revenge for George Bush (????), I want to chat briefly about why the Governor and family were staying elsewhere.....
It seems that the mansion was in the middle of some minor repairs - to the tune of $10 Million. TEN MILLION DOLLARS !!! Why not just build a new McMansion for the guy. Included in the repairs was removing asbestos and lead paint. They still have that stuff flying around?? I thought that went out with the 70's.... Guess not. I suppose that explains the high incidence of retardation amongst the children of most of our leaders......
Just kidding. Don't get all squirrely on me, I'm having a bad day...........


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I think it was the ghost of Molly Ivans in the dining room with a propane torch and a stack of her articles

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    got to to
    spend that texas oil money
