Monday, June 16, 2008

Viva Cuba Libre !! Elian Gonzalez Signs His Communist Membership Card...

It Seems Just Like Yesterday, Doesn't It ?

Remember Elian Gonzalez? The little Cuban kid whose Mom died trying to boat over here? Well, after Janet Reno blew it again and little Elian was sent back, he became a celebrity and a political football. And the football game continues........

Little Elian is now 14, and he just registered as a member of the Communist Party in Cuba. I'm sure he'll be a superstar in the Little Commies Party, and he has lots of things to look forward to - a single bedroom apartment for him, his wife and three kids, no car , no food, a job in a sugar factory and a weekly paycheck of about $6 a week. Yep, we sure did that kid a favor by shipping his ass back home.

Too bad there isn't an address we could send the congrats letter to, but I'm sure it's better for him to not know anyway.... Ignorance is Bliss.



  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    just think of the thousands we saved. or the thousands we spent getting him out of here.

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Elian is being groomed as a caddy for Jimmy Clyburn's retirement visits to Fidel's golf course, casue Tiger Woods don't have a white caddy.

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Yet another Clinton fiasco, close but no (soggy) cigar...
