Okay Congress, This Is Called an Oil Drill. It's How You Get More Oil......
If you are wondering just why Congress has a 9% approval rating (about 10 TIMES less than I have on my job), one need look no further than the cluster going on in Washington DC right now over how to combat higher oil prices...
About 75% of all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, agree that the US needs to increase it's energy production to help lower fuel prices. No, it won't fix things overnight, but not building a new Nuclear Plant or Oil Well for 30 years is pretty retarded. Yes, I just called Congress a bunch of retards.... Sue Me.
There are many Democrats who understand this need, particularly those from states that produce oil. But the House Democratic leadership, led by Nancy Pelosi, isn't listening evn to members of it's own party. Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-La.) is getting frustrated at being locked out. "My concern with my leadership is that they are not letting all of the people in the room to present the facts. Where are all the pro-oil legislators? I'm not in the room. I don't know who is. My feeling is we are not all-inclusive to pass legislation that can get through the Senate and avoid a veto."
In essence, Melancon is saying that the Democratic leaders aren't more concerned with a bi-partisan compromise that will help now. They're more concerned with doing nothing, then laying it at the feet of the GOP while we keep getting robbed at the pump. That is how DC works folks. It is better to not produce result and look like the good guy, than to produce results and have to share the credit. Fucking games........
It' high time that the Democrats face a certain fact. We need oil now, and we will continue to need more for the forseeable future. Unless we produce some more, Americans will pay more until they finally get fed up and overthrow the government via the voting booth in November. Time for a prediction: Oil prices will undo the Democrats soon like Iraq undid the Republicans recently. Then what will we be left with? Hopefully some honest, hardworkign representatives that have guts....
lets get rid of jim now
ReplyDeleteJust guessing, moye, did you get a mendicant e-mail from Untied Airlines asking for action to regulate oil speculation?
ReplyDeleteMikey, I'll try to find a way to copy you on it.
Just guessing, we're supposed to forget that Slick Willie and Hillary vetoed ANWR drilling that would have been in our pipelines by now.
ReplyDeletehey Rhino, that's irrelevant !! Voting records are like a dropped M&M - Ten Second Rule.
ReplyDeleteNo Mikey, irrelevant is a big grey thing witha tusks and a long nose...