Friday, July 04, 2008

Breaking News: My Cousin Chris Is Coming Home From Iraq.

Hoo-ah !!

Great news today... I got a call from my Cousin John in Pennsylvania, and his son Chris will be coming home from his 15 month tour in Iraq soon. Thank God.

There is no official date yet. Chris is an Army Ranger in the 82nd Airborne, so they don't call you officially until he is in the air and on his way home. The guess date is July 17th, so he still has a couple weeks left. I'm assuming that he'll be back on Saturday the 19th, so I'll be making my first trip up to Fort Bragg in Fayette Nam then.

I haven't seen Chris since 2000, when he was a scrawny 13 year old, but I'll be the first to say that he's more of a man than I am. I'm proud of his service to our country, but I'll be glad we gets home. Hopefully, this will be his only tour, but I have the feeling that next year, he may have to go back one last time....

But, none of that for now. When I get the call that he's on the way, there will surely be a blog post with plenty of pics from Fort Bragg. Coming Soon........



  1. For a minute, I thought that picture was the last time someone came over to air some grievances about my blog's content

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    glad he is coming home
