Thursday, July 24, 2008

Forget About Apple , Sunday or Trixibelle - This Kid Has the Worst Name EVER !!

I'd Hide My Face Too, Kid !!!!!

Sure, we've played this game before, but everytime I think i've heard the dumbest name for a kid ever, someone else tops it. This one may be the winner... Bobby's going to name his daughter Caitlin.... I'm kidding !!!! Caitlin is fine. This other one is stupid, and you won't believe what this poor kid had to do to lose this name.......

A judge in New Zealand had to officially have to take assign a 9 year old girl a ward of the state so she could legally change her name when her parents divorced. What was it? How about Talula Does the Hula in Hawaii ???? I shit you not. TALULA DOES THE HULA IN HAWAII !!!! What did these parents have against this kid at birth to name her that? Was she in labor for a week? Did she come out sideways??? All together now.......... WTF ????

This kids name will be added to these other unacceptable names in New Zealand - Fish and Chips, Yeah Detroit, Keenan Does Lucy and Sex Fruit. Wait a minute.... Sex Fruit Reino. Hmmmmm..............


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Where was he when Barack Hussein Obama was named?

  2. Well he is a Junior, so it goes back to his grandparents..

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    so is this your kid that you keep telling me about

  4. If there is a kid of mine walking around out there, the Mom hasn't come out to admit it !!
