Sunday, July 06, 2008

High Gas Prices Takes It's Toll..

Even The Beltway Boys Are Cutting Back.......
I may have said this before.. I'm sure if you have noticed, but gas prices are getting pretty high. OK, you know already. While higher gas prices haven't changed your life or mine too noticeably, there are definitely changes for most of us. But for others, it has changed their lives....
Personally, I have been the occasional victim of the Italian disease "Mafunzalo", where a virus eats all of the available cash in your wallet. Spending $75 a week on gas will take it's toll, and it has caused me to have to cut back on my philanthropic endeavors. As a result, the Mike Reino Fund for Wayward Strippers has had a large dent put in it. And i'm not the only one. Times are tough at The Trophy Club and other places like it.
Sure, big summer vacations are turning into closer weekend getaways instead. However, there are some other people suffering from less discretionary income. Like Seniors. Many groups depend on charitable donations to make ends meet, and lots of them are hurting. Meals on Wheels has lost 58% of it's volunteer staff. Why? Because the volunteers drive their own cars, and they can't afford to do it for free anymore. With no drivers, the food doesn't get there, and the elderly go hungry..
I'm sure even political contributions are dropping. Sure, Barack Obama has broken all records, but I have a feeling that they will tumble a lot over the Fall, when his campaign is no longer viewed as a crusade.. The GOP has seen a significant drop as well. While it is partially due to the drop in popularity, Republicans are being more selective with their donations...
Yep, sometimes a little thing can take it's toll, and snowball until it gets huge. While an extra $20-30 a week in gas may not alter you life or mine, that small amount combined with everyone else can have serious ramifications on others. Some might be more important than others, but to have that in your pocket would be nice........


  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Yes Mike we had one club close in Santee lately leaving only 4 for a town of 200. Hard times for sure.

  2. Yeah, there seems to be a lot of them on 301 from Santee to Orangeburg...

  3. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Mike, tell me that you haven't started shaving your legs and table dancing...
