Saturday, July 26, 2008

Like Golf, Strip Clubs Have Their Own Rules of Etiquette to Follow..

There's a Couple Reasons This Guy Is By Himself at the Club.....
Now, i'm not sure why I had this forwarded to me, but I guess there's a few people who think I go to Gentlemen's Clubs on occasion.... Anyway, a few months back, i gave a few groundrules to having fun at your local strip club. Lo and behold, most of my opinions have been justified by the folks at , they have given their own list of proper etiquette when at your local establishment.....
#1.) BE CLEAN. If an almost-naked stranger is going to be kind enough to give you a lap dance, the least you can do is shower and put on some deodorant beforehand.

#2.) HAVE MONEY. If you're only going to bring enough cash for the cover and a few beers, what are you doing at a strip club? Sure, technically you're allowed to ogle the strippers for free, but bring money for tips, a lap dance, or both.

#3.) A STRIPPER IS NOT A THERAPIST. The girl giving you a lap dance is usually nice enough to pretend to be interested in you . . . but doesn't mean she wants to hear about your problems. Just shut up and enjoy the dance.

#4.) DON'T TREAT STRIPPERS LIKE PROSTITUTES. There's a big difference between stripping and prostitution . . . so never assume a stripper does both. No matter how much you're enjoying the dance, don't ask her to go home with you.

#5.) NO TOUCHING. Most strip clubs post this rule . . . in case you get carried away and forget. Let the dancers handle how much physical contact takes place . . . or you can expect to be contacted by one of the bouncers.

#6.) ALWAYS TIP. Sure, you already paid for the dance, but if you can tip a waitress for a job well done, you can tip a stripper. Besides, if word gets around that you tip well, expect hotter dances as the ladies try for even more of your cash.
Whoever wrote these rules is either a club regular, or he spent a lot of time interviewing the dancers there. These are some well-thought out ideas, and I endorse them wholeheartedly. A club can be a lot of fun, as long as you plan ahead, stick to it, and don't lose you head while there....

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