Thursday, July 24, 2008

Like We Keep Saying, Congress Keeps Dicking Around.....

Both Parties Play Games ,So Now You'll Still Pay at the Pump....
Maybe it's me. Maybe it's because oil has dropped $20 a barrel , and 15 cents a gallon at the pump, so Congress feels like they don't really need to do anything to make life easier for us anymore. Maybe they're all just a pack of 435 assholes. Yes, I'm frustrated with Congress. Yes, they're a bunch of retards.........
Why am I ticked? First, refer to a post from earlier in the week, where i asked if the leaders in Congress are even listening to each other, and why they can't compromise so we all benefit. Well, the answer to my question is a resounding no - Congress isn't listening or compromising......
Here's what happened today. The Democrats called a vote to release 70 million barrels - or three days worth of oil - from the 97% full Strategic Petroleum Reserve. However, they would not allow a vote on offshore drilling, which is what the Republicans wanted to do as well. Both ideas sound fine with me, but each party seems hellbent on trying to look MORE RIGHT. So, since the Dems blocked what the GOP wanted, the GOP made the vote be debated in a format that required passage be by a 2/3 vote, rather than a simple majority. The bill passed 268-157, about 15 votes short of the needed 2/3 vote. So, the bill to free up the 70 million barrels from the SPR failed, and the bill to allow offshore drilling never was voted on. So, ineffect NOTHING happened. It's all much ado about nothing.....
Both sides are going blame the other side, but the fact is they're both wrong, and we're the ones paying for it. It's a good thing I already resigned my chair positions in the party, otherwise I'd probably be canned for railing against the GOP. But you and anyone reading this knows I'm right. My subjective days are long over in politics. I call it like I see it, and I have never seen a better example of DC political football (aka BS), that directly results in hurting the American people in their pockets. Face it - Congress doesn't give a rip about you.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Damn shame someone hasn't set upon adding an amendment to every f'ing bill the Dems put forth requriing ANWR drilling and authorizing offshore drilling...

    Ah well, more justification for the Voter Out Incumbents Democracy (VOID) movement.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    and again...teh opposite of progress is congress

  3. Anonymous6:14 PM

    once again, I'm not gonna be able to work at tc 2nite. : (

  4. How about tomorrow? I miss you a lot, Princess.

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    we do not want to pull oil out of the reserves now and hopeful never in fact we need to add to the reserve and make room for more. off shore drilling needs to be done. done now.
