Ever think you were doing someone a real big favor or service, and in the end, you totally f***ed them? Me too . I do it everytime I give an endorsement here... Anyway, you ain't got nothing on Morton Savada...
Savada owned Records Revisited, a landmark (aka Old) record store in Manhattan, or as you call it in Cartersville , "New York City".... Anyway, Savada died recently at the age of 85, and in his will, he left the entire inventory of 78 RPM (aka REALLY OLD) records - nearly 200,000 of them - to Syracuse University. Just what they were hoping for , I'm sure. Forget the endowment check, I want some Don Ho albums !!!
Actually, there were also Big Band, Jazz, Country, Blues, Gospel Folk and Broadway 78's dating from 1895 to the 1950's, when 45's became the standard disc, that was about ten formats back from the CD's we use today, and yes, they sounded like total dog crap... But they are valued at about $1 Million, or 5 bucks a pop.
Syracuse University is acting all excited about the donation. After all, it will double their record collection, amking them the second largest achive in America, only behind the Library of Congress. But the added expense of storing and maintaining all that junk has got to be a killer. Expect the tuition at Syracuse to double next year......
Next time you think about doing something ice for someone....think again.
Whoever has them 45s better hang onto them. They gonna be collectors items you watch.
ReplyDeletereckon he has a copy of the white album
ReplyDeleteNope. Too new for that guy. Once Elvis came, he stopped collecting.
ReplyDeleteI guess for a "Faith No More" fan it is hard to imagine there was music before 1990. And even harder to understand what Morty left behind. Anyway, don't even try and enjoy Faith No More.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I came off a bit smart alecky in the post, but it makes it more interesting. Since you're sort of asking, here are my music credentials: I have been playing in bands for the past 20 years now. i have played everything from Elvis to the Beatles and Stones to Hendrix, Santana, Frankie Valens to Pearl Jam and Creed. I've played it all....
ReplyDeleteI also took a few courses in Classical, Jazz and Rock History, so I have plenty of appreciation and knowledge of the past 100 odd years of American music. I know A LOT more than Faith No More, Lex..
My beef was with the monumental task of transporting , organizing and cataloging this huge collection. How much will SU spend on upkeeping all this stuff? That was the real question I had...