This Was the Closest Obama Got to Looking Presidential, But......
Barack Obama is in the middle of his World Tour right now. He sat down with Afghan President Hamed Karzai, and then he'll be in Iraq for the first time in 2 1/2 years, before he goes to Europe. Even though Obama is not President - yet - the attention this trip is getting is of presidential proportions....
All three network's anchors are following Obama on the trip. Can you name the last time they all went on a trip with George Bush? Me either, although Bush probably isn't inviting anyone from the media anywhere lately... John McCain must be green with envy...
Even more amazing is the support he is getting on his trip. Iraqi Prime minister Nouri al-Maliki nearly endorsed Obama's plan to pull out of Iraq within 16 months. Then again, why wouldn't he? If I were him, i'd want us out too. The longer we stay , the more al-Maliki looks like a puppet. The guy wants to be seen as ruler of his country, and with any US presence, it will never happen.
Another part I have questions about is the free pass Obama got on his speech about Afghanistan. Calling the situation 'precarious and urgent', Obama called on increasing troops and aid to both Afghanistan and Pakistan to battle al-Qaeda. Now , we already give billions to Pakistan, and a recent government audit found out tht Pakistan can't account for 70% of the money we gave them - 70% !!! And now Obama wants to dump more? Sounds like Obama is promising more than he can deliver, but why should Pakistan be any different than every government agency and voter in America?
My other question is: Isn't this talk a lot of warmongering? Imagine John McCain stumping for expanding troops in Afghanistan and increasing aid to Pakistan. I'm sure the DNC attack machine would be out in full force, but that's the double standard.
No doubt this trip will be viewed as the trip that made Obama a legitimate statesman - at least according to the media. But, one has to wonder if Obama fatigue will set in after this megatrip, then the convention soon afterwards. Maybe he'll take the Olympics off - unless he's entered in an event we're not aware of...
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