Thursday, July 24, 2008

So When Are We Bailing Out Ford ??

Ford, Where Losing Money is Job 1.....
In case you missed the news, Ford Motor Company just broke their all-time earnings record...... in the wrong direction. The Big Blue Bleeding Machine lost an amazing $8.7 Billion - that's with a B -in just the last quarter !!!
It gives you a good model on how not to run a company: Poor product selection, lack of vision, adjusting too much on recent whims, and a crippling overhead due to unions. Thanks to this genius business plan, the stock of one of America's largest companies is now $5.45 a share - close to 100 times less than Google, which is about ten years old.
It's time for Bill Ford to realize that he's in over his head, to step down, and let a new guy with some real balls to cut this disaster to a leaner , meaner and smaller company. Or, we can just have Congress bail them out for a few billion more dollars... Guess which route I have my money on ????


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Why bail Ford out, sell it to Bejing... oops that's Hillary's plan

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    i may buy a ford

  3. Supposedly, their quality has improved a lot - ten years ago, they couldn't make an engine that didn't blow a head gasket - but they and GM have a lot of overcoming to do...If the unions don't kill them first.

  4. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Let me see, the unions that have US $$$ invested in gas and oil futures in the "retirement" and "strike" funds have a part in killing a golden goose? Geez, I could have told ya that watching how our local at the Charleston Navy Yard backed Clinton and was astonished to see things close...
