Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Still More Good News: Oil Drops $9 in Two Days...... Thanks to THIS GUY ???

Maybe we'll finally get a little refief at the gas pump soon.... Wall Street is taking notice that America is getting sick of high gas prices, and that we're doing something about it - like not using as much of it...
Longer term, it seems the lower demand for oil is finally being noticed in the marketplace, along with the chatter in Washington to drill for more oil, that is as long as the Democrats get their collective shit together..... However, there is one other event that took place that assisted in the drop in the marketplace.
Remember a couple of days ago, when I discussed the sensitivity to innuendo in the marketplace based solely on ifs? You may remember it as the post with the Beltway Boys at the Strip Club.... Remember now? Anywho, it seems that positive and calming talk helped in the form of none other than Iranian Puppet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Yep, little Monkeyboy was at a Muslim Nation conference in Malaysia, when he was quoted as saying that although he feels that the US and Israel have used propaganda against Iran, he doesn't forsee any military action between the countries. SIGH !!! And suddenly , VOILA! Oil prices drop.... It gives you an idea of just how hypersensitive the market is right now. Production is meeting demand, but one or two guys who control their only revenue source get itchy, and the world has to pay triple for gas.. Crazy, man....
Let's hope that this is a sign of things to come, and that gas drops back to normal levels. Hey, it's a wish. I'm allowed to have one or two - after all, it's my birthday tomorrow. Actually, I'm wishing for other things, but I'll take lower gas prices too.


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    need to nuke him anyway

  2. Maybe this is a new, kinder Ahmadinejad we're seeing. OK, maybe not. No doubt the Mullahs ripped him a new one once he got back to Teheran..

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    He is still just a puppet and is as expendable as Monsieur Guillotine was to the cabal that led the French Revolution.

    Tehran is still on the axis of evil that passes Pyongang and Caracas... a popular uprising that takes down the mullahs would be amusing, but is hardly consistent with notions of end time prophecies, though from the east I have to agree with a few that Iran isn't the one for Jerusalem to worry about, it is China.

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    So is Oliver Stone going to have Jerry Seinfeld or Michael Richards play Achmedhimminijihad in his "beating around the Bushes" movie?

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM

    hey look, now it closed at another record high...thanks to that guy named George Bush.
