Tuesday, July 15, 2008

That Is One Lucky (Or Stupid) Koala !!

Australia has sure been a big part of the blog this week... First Nicole Kidman, then the World's Oldest Blogger, now we have Lucky the Koala. I'm not sure Lucky is a proper name fro him. If he were truly lucky, he wouldn't have been hit by a car and been struck in the grille for 6 miles....
Yep, it seems that Lucky was crossing the street near Brisbane, Australia, when he was hit by a car, got his head jammed in the grille, and he stayed there until a passing motorist finally stopped the driver. Someone came by with a pair of scissors and cut open the grille to free Lucky. Although Lucky was shaken up, he was essentially unharmed, which will make PETA feel better......
Lucky is recovering nicely at Steve Irwin's animal hospital, although the accident may be the least of his problems. It seems that Lucky caught something else while getting lucky - a case of chlamydia. I shit you not.................


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    ok...i guess i have heard it all now...a koala bear with an STD. so i guess birds get chirpies.

  2. Birds get chirpies, shellfish get clamydia.... Gonorrhea anyone?

  3. Anonymous12:33 AM

    shellfish might be susceptible to crabs too.

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Could be worse, could be paper cuts and staple punctures from all the porn at Mike's
