Monday, July 07, 2008

This Is Not Good News for John McCain...

Nope, John... Steve Martin is a Lot Younger Than You...
In politics, perception is reality. I've said it a million times, and it's true. I think I'm a hell of a guy, but there are a ton of people out there who think I'm a total asshole - and they're all correct. No, most of them just don't know me. But when the machines of politics start grinding against you, those words start to stick.
Theer was an Associated Press - Yahoo News poll taken last week. In it, voters were asked to give a word association with the presidential candidates. Just the first thing that popped into their heads, no long answers were allowed. For Barack Obama, the words "change " or "outsider" were most given. What was he most popular answer for John McCain? Old.
Yes. O-L-D Old !!!!! Not experienced, not wise..... OLD. Welcome to the kiss of death in politics. Nothing is worse than being viewed that your bets days are behind you - unless you're white in the 6th Congressional District. Clearly, John McCain has a lot work to do if he wants to avoid being Bob Dole in '96 all over again....
It wasn't all bad. McCain had a 24 point advantage as a military leader (against a guy who's NEVER served? I hope so). He also held a 9 point edge in being more decisive - I think. Maybe not..... Wait, i'm pretty sure he won that one. McCain also does a better job than Obama on his score versus his party. He had a 9 point higher grade than the GOP (not hard to do), while Obama scored 5 points lower than the Democratic Party.
But , when the first impression is that you're old, and we're talking about change, voters worry that McCain's version of change is putting on a new Depends. Sorry, I couldn't hold back on that one......Is the GOP the party of old people? Of course not. Go to Florida, and see who they vote for. But, it's all how it's viewed. Perception is what? Very Good........
So, is John McCain sunk? No. Barack Obama's negative scores have been consistenly rising. The total lovefest is about over, so we'll see after the convention, when it gets serious, how Obama's armor holds up. That, and maybe a GOP staffer can sneak McCain in a tanning booth and spill some Grecian Formula 16 on his skull when he's not looking.....


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    And besides, Steve Martin is taller, plays the banjo and was born the son of poor black sharecroppers, where he stayed until he heard Mantovanni and knew he had found his people...

    I won't go into the surgical details, but Steve MArtin is still taller... wanna bet Oliver Stone casts him as McCain?

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    West is alway correct in these matters

  3. Never doubt the Rhino....
