Can Someone Show Me Where the Word 'Earmark' Is In This Document?
Congressmen are funny people. Not 'Ha Ha Funny', but they DO amuse me - like a clown. Okay, enough with the 'Goodfellas' references...... What is amusing? Well, the way they can absolutely abuse a system that has gone haywire over the past 230 years, and then try to tell you that is what the Founding Fathers had intended....
Specifically, I am talking about every Congressman's favorite little weapon - the Earmark. That tiny dart that gets stuck on every Appropriation bill like it was made of velcro.... Well, our favorite Congressman was recently part of a panel of the SC Congressional delegation, and he had the nerve to try and say that earmarks are not only constitutional, but that they are IN the Constitution !! All together now..... WTF ??? !!!!!!!!! Don't believe me, here is the clip....
Thank God, Jim DeMint was there to fight him on the point, lest everyone think that Clyburn was speaking the truth. I knew I liked Jim when I saw him in 2004. I'm a bit disappointed in Lindsey Graham for changing the subject, but I'll live....
I'm no expert on the Constitution or the Bible, because I've never read my way through all of either, but I get insulted when people try to justify anything by referring to a single passage from either to make it look like God or Thomas Jefferson is on their side. Since most people haven't read them either, we take the lie as gospel - pun intended. Shameful....
Sure, ending earmarks isn't going to end our budgetary wos in DC, but it is a start. If they can't control themselves on that, how can we expect them to have any restraint at all?
I was chatting with a couple friends earlier this week, who asked, 'Mike, you're broke all the time, how can you be a Republican?'.... Easy. First , I don't envy or hate anyone just because they're rich. Secondly, I don't expect the US Government to be the answer to all my problems. Give me time, and i'll fix it myself - eventually. They're both in their early 20's, so I understand where they're coming from. You go to a state university, which you pay for with your Federal Student Loan, then you get a job and that first hoime is financed through Fannie Mae, so it looks like you NEED it all. Then you start paying taxes, and you see how much they take from you - it takes from January til June to pay off all your taxes before you're caught up. Then you get smart..
It's like the old saying goes.... If you're young and you're not a Democrat, you have no heart.... If you're older and you're not a Republican, you have no brain.. Jim Clyburn has NO BRAIN...
Former Governor West, McNair, Senator Fritz Hollings, Congressman Mendel Rivers, Olin Johnston and other would be and some still are proud of your man Jim.