Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Want to Lose 20 Lbs. Overnight? Get Out All That Impacted Waste From Your Colon !!

So, are you feeling a bit chubby and out of sorts? Not quite yourself?? Maybe it's all of that gunk jammed in your lower interstines from all those hamburgers you got at Ned's in Aynor over the years.. So, what's a guy (or country girl) supposed to do?

Here's Colon Cure - I shit you not - literally !! It's supposed to 'wash' all of that impacted poop out of your colon like Drano through a kitchen sink. Ouch !!! It''s pill or something like that, because no self-respecting guy would allow anything in their pooper from the wrong end, like one of those High Colonics....

How did I find out about this stuff? I got a junk e-mail, and I HAD to read it, because I knew it would be good for a blog post. This kick the crap out of the Kinoki Foot Pad for laughs !!! The down side is I accidentally saved the picture here as the background on my laptop, and I can't clear it out. Help !!!!!!!!!!!


Now, if this isn't your style to get that crap out of your colon, may we make another suggestion......




  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    whatever happened to good ole Colon Blow and Super Colon Blow?

  2. Did you click onto the second link?

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Given enough doses, Barack H-word Obama and Jimmy Clyburn would begin to look pale too
