Friday, August 22, 2008

Alabama Finally Hits Their Obese State Employees in the Pocketbook ..

That, My Friends, Is One STRONG Chair .......
There is no doubt that there is a direct correlation between obesity and health care costs. Morbidly obese people have an average $1750 more in medical care costs annually than those not overweight. The challenge is how do you penalize that people that are driving up the health care costs? Well, the state of Alabama seems to have hit the nail on the head. Charge them extra.....
Alabama is the second most obese state in America, with 30.3 % of it's residents being obese or morbidly obese. So, they are giving their state employees on last chance to get fit - at the state's expense - or start paying for being fat. They get a free health screening to check blood pressure , cholesterol, glucose and obesity, and if they enter a wellness program and show improvement, they will not pay extra. If they do nothing, they will start paying $25 a month extra, starting January 2011 . At least they're getting fair warning.
Naturally, there are some who don't think taxpayers have the right to not let them be fat as house, and pay for it. "It's terrible. Some people come into this world big", said HEALTH DEPT. employee Chequela Motley. If you mean big by 9 lbs 6 ounces, yes. But 5'6" and 350 pounds big, uh................
No, no one likes being told to live healthier, but obesity is a serious problem, especially Down South, and when the taxpayers are flipping the bill for your bad judgement, there will eventually be consequences. Kudos to Alabama for starting to draw a line in the sand against obesity - and arrogance.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Alabama is going to get hit next Saturday night when Clemson takes them out at the Georgia Dome

  2. Will you be there, Moye??

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I have two tickets you want them. I have to fly from Charleston to CLT to MSP at 535 AM Sunday morning on US Scareways. I do not have time to get back from Atlanta. Call Quick Britton wants them. My sister Robin has first choice. Call Quick maybe you and Britton can share them. Free.

  4. Nah, there are bigger Clemson fans out there than me, and funds are still a bit tight. Thanks for offering. Maybe for the Clemson-Carolina game... ;)

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    probably not

  6. Anonymous5:46 PM

    so the person in the chair sitting back or forward

  7. Not that it matters, but I'm pretty sure she's sitting forward.
