Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Arabs Have No Sense of Humor...

I'll Give You Funny, Mr. SC6 Man. Two Infidels Walk Into a Bar...
Well, those kooky Arabs are angry again. This time they're mad at an Israeli Nissan ad for their fuel efficient Tiida model. My Hebrew is a little iffy, but I think Tiida means "F.U., You Supremist Towel Head". Maybe not. If I get killed by an Al-Qaeda cell, you'll know why.....
What did the commercial say. Not much. It's basically an ad where some Arab Sheihks come out of a hotel, and one of them sees the Nissan, and starts freaking out, shouting a slew of Arab insults at it.... You know, "May your Mother get the face of a Goat" kinda stuff. Then the ad says "When you use as little gas as a Tiida, someone's bound to get angry." Something like that.
Well, the ad was the Top Story on Arab television. Maybe they're all bent out of shape because the ad was from Israel - or maybe a Sheikh saw it and got pissed. Turn the other cheek , dude. Here is the ad, although it doesn't really help, because the subtitles and language are in Russian. Don't ask, I have NO IDEA why.


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    So did they drop a tree on the wrong dealership in Hilton Head this week?

  2. Apparently so. I went to pick up my check today, and they said the new guy is f'ing stupid..
