Thursday, August 21, 2008

Barack Obama Causing Black Republicans to Switch - Both of Them....

Sometimes you find good articles online, and sometimes you find ones that are a bit of a stretch. I ran into one of those today, thanks to .... It's about the effect Barack Obama has had on many Black Republicans, some of which have switching parties. Notice I said some, not a lot.
Just like I posted about Stephanie Tubbs-Jones yesterday, lots of African-Americans are having questions internally about voting for Obama or not. Tubbs-Jones chose Hillary Clinton over Obama - perhaps thinking of herself either as a Democrat or a woman first. Some Black Republicans might not be having such a tough time....
Across the South, Democratic registrations are increasing by leaps and bounds, while GOP registrations are shrinking a bit. Black Republicans are very similar, but is it really that significant? Truth be known, the Republican Party has a hard time attracting blacks, so how great is the loss? According to Yahoo, not that much..
In states with party registration, the number of Black Republicans has dropped by 785 in Florida, 709 in Louisiana, and 2850 in North Carolina. Though it is a loss, is it enough to really view it as a wholesale repudiation of the GOP by African-Americans? Not really, overall ,Republicans only make up 4-5% of the total black vote in these states. And, even in the Yahoo article, how many people did they name who switched? Two guys in Florida. Time to close up the tent I guess.........
While Obama may be a more visible sign nationally, I see more signs on the state and local level here that the GOP is making headway as many African-Americans succeed in America, and find out that lower taxes and less government intrusion is a pretty good idea. I see Glenn McCall, Celestine Parker and Tim Scott advance and prove themselves. These are people who live where I do, and I can show them to other African-Americans that the White House isn't the most important thing, and their friends are making in in the GOP too......


  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

  2. Yeah, it doesn't have much to do with Obama, but I'll give Nancy Harrelson a free plug.....
