Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Bill Clinton Can't Stop Insulting Barack Obama....

Is This His Official White House Portrait ??
I tell you what.... Bill Clinton is one sore friggin' loser. Maybe it's a bit of honesty, but the man will not credit Barack Obama for about anything, except that he stole the election based on his personality. He did it again yesterday, only he was all the way in Liberia, so I guess he figured no one would hear it. Some one needs to tell him that TV cameras are digital, and they can transfer it in seconds. And everyone thought he was media savvy..........
In an interview with ABC News, which was supposed to be about him visiting kids who have benefited from his foundation, he was asked a simple question: Is Barack Obama qualified to be President? Okay Bill, let's get ready for this one. "Yes, he is qualified". Got it? Guess not...
Clinton's answer? "According to the Constitution, he is qualified. Is anyone really qualified to be President?" Not exactly a ringing endorsement , is it? He went on to talk about how smart Obama is, and how he wasn't fully prepared when he first too office either. Then he went on to blame the media for reporting every bad comment he's ever made about Obama. The question being asked at an event that had no place for asking it leads me to one conclusion - the media knows that Clinton's button gets pushed anytime he is asked about Obama winning....
Sure, between the two, Hillary Clinton was more qualified than Obama, but the voters vote, and she lost. She seems to be taking it much better than Bill. No doubt that Bill hasn't helped Hillary's chances of being VP. If it were just her, she would be the choice, but with Bill..... Forget it. Bill needs to be a better camper, and as much as it hurts to bite one's tongue, just play nice and shut up......


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "Democrats fall in love on the first date (with ther nominee)" -John Fund

    When stupid people vote, the facts don't matter, their emotions do, witness the worst presidencies of the 20th century, Carter and Clinton.

    PS Jerry Corsi, in the first chapter of Obama Nation notes something that may explain why Obama might actually look up to Bill Clinton, the proclaimed
    "first black President", that being that Barack Hussein Obama, Senior was "a slick womanizer".

  2. No doubt about the Dems left brain/right brain thinking..

    Are you refering to Obama Sr. or Bill as the slick womanizer ??
