Saturday, August 02, 2008

Congress Says 'See You in September'..

Maybe He Can Get an Energy Bill Thru Congress.....
Congress took their annual 4 week vacation today - a whole 4 weeks since their last vacation for the 4th of July. Hey, working 4 days a week takes it toll, right? Anyway, they passed a few minor bills before they got off - challenging stuff like lead poisoning in toys. As far as an energy bill............ uh, not quite.
Cheer up, though. There are a couple bi-partisan groups in both the House and Senate getting together to c-comp-co.... Compromise. I still have trouble getting that word out, and it seems Congress does too. The one with the most promise is a Senate bill by Kent Conrad(D-ND) and Saxby Chambliss (R-GA). It will allow offshore drilling , but only on the Gulf Coast and the southeast - yes, that includes South Carolina. Apparently, the people in California and the Northeast - who still use more gas than any of us - don't feel that they should have their oceans drilled in. Assholes....
Of course, it will matter little in the short term what Congress does to change oil prices. But, it does need to be done. Thirty years of nothing is hard to fix in a week. The last month or so has shown what I've talked about all along - the market is how to really fix gas prices. Prices got too high, we decided that we didn't need to drive so much, demand dropped, and prices fell 40 cents a gallon in a month. Voila !! Another dollar or so drop would be nice, though....
This month long vaca might be a good thing for Congress. Thirty straight days of the American public screaming at their local Congressman might get them off of their butts when they get back.... Stop laughing - it could happen......

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Mike, as much as you hate clyburn from what I've read, check out "PEOPLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF CONGRESSMAN JIM CLYBURN" facebook group. It's every anti-clyburn's dream. Thought you'd like to know.
