Saturday, August 09, 2008

It's Official: Skippy Beats Kreskin in Florence Mayoral Race, But It Ain't Over Yet...

Dorothy, You're Telling Me I Lost ? WTF ??????
The SC State Supreme Court denied Florence Mayor Frank Willis' request for a rerun of June's primary election, thus upholding Attorney whippersnapper Stephen Wukela's one vote victory. Word is that Willis is looking around Florence for the one Democrat who forgot to vote, where he will summarily kick that person's butt. Okay, maybe not........
Although there is no Republican candidate, Wukela's fight is not over. Former Florence Mayor Rocky Pearce has gotten enough write-in signatures to be on the General Election ballot as an indpendent candidate. Just what we need - another retread candidate from 1990, when Florence was in it's 'glory days'. I've been here almost 12 years now, so Willis is the only mayor I've ever had, but of all the experiences I've had in Florence politics, I've never met , seen or even heard of Rocky Pearce. If anyone reading this can shed some light on him, it would be appreciated..
Now that Willis will officially be out, he can now move to Columbia, so his wife at Nexsen-Pruett won't have to commute, and he can be a lobbyist for the construction industry. Maybe he'll stay, but I have my doubts....

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