Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Jesse Ventura Doesn't Want to Vote for McCain... And You Won't Believe Why..

Forget What's Best for the Country... Minnesota Only Matters to Him.
I was on my back from Charleston after an interview - it went okay, but no details until I have an offer - listening to POTUS 08, and Jesse Ventura showed me that he may be great Minnesotan, but he's not a Patriot. And to think, he helped Arnold kill Predator !!!!
He said there is a good chance that he will be voting for Barack Obama in November. Apparently he thinks Obama will be a better President than John McCain, right? NOPE. Not at all.. His whole position is that McCain may pick Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty as his VP. So, Ventura doesn't like Pawlenty, right? NOPE. Actually, Ventura likes Pawlenty. Confused yet? You should be.......
No, Ventura's possible decision has nothing to do with Obama, McCain or Pawlenty, but with Minnesota Lt. Governor Carol Molnau.... Who? Right. If McCain picks Pawlenty, then Ventura will endorse Obama in the hopes that Pawlenty doesn't become VP, then Molnau would be Governor. Why? Well, Ventura says that Molnau is responsible for the I-35 Bridge disaster last year, because she was in charge of the state DOT, also known as MinnDOT, when the accident occurred. It took me all of 30 seconds to find out that Ventura is truly misguided....
Molnau wasn't in charge of MinnDOT last year, or ever. She was the chair of the House Transportation Finance Committee - before she was elected Lt. Governor - back in 2001 - six years before the accident. Jesse clearly needs to get his facts straight on this one. As far as culpability goes, there are probably about 50 people more responsible for this tragedy than her.
Hey maybe Ventura is right. For all I know, Molnau could be a big a-hole. But, if you're going to go six degrees of separation to explain your voting habits, at least be honest. The one sure thing is that he's putting his home state ahead of his country, therefore his endorsement is about as grounded in honesty as Al Sharpton's. But he isn't the only one who loves Minnesota so much... Check these folks out....


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    To consider that Louisana Senator Mary Landrieu bears greater culpability for the failure of the New Orleasn levees and goes scot-free, I can understand the convoluted logic that arises from one too many countra-coup brain injuries from landing headfirst on the rasslin mat.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Eh you hoser, you betcha, eh? Ja, by golly! Les go catcha lutefisk eh?

  3. Yaaaaah, you betcha, Anon.

    The brain injury idea may be true. I began to wonder after he started every answer with "Well, you know Mean Gene..."....
