Thursday, August 07, 2008

Mailman Wants a New Uniform - A Kilt !!

Hey, Who's Up For a Re-Enactment of 'Braveheart' ????
Dean Peterson is a brick wall of a guy. At 6 foot and 250 lbs, you can bet that the dude has some thick, stumpy legs. For most of us, that might not be a problem, but for Peterson, there is a problem. Luckily, he has a solution.....
You see, Peterson is a letter carrier for the Postal Service in Washington State, and those lovely gray polyester pants rub and scrape up poor Dean's legs. So, what is his solution? What else? KILTS !!
Yep, Dean's decided to try and go freestyle by designing his own USPS Kilt. Now, mt first thought is that if I delivered the mail, I wouldn't exactly give the local Rottweiler an unrestricted access to my Twig & Berries - but that's just me. Peterson has tried a bit harder than most. He took his $1800 tax rebate, and sent letters to every USPS rep at their annual convention, in an attempt to change the by-laws to allow kilts. I TOLD YOU people would just piss that extra cash away !!
Needless to say, the USPS executive committee turned down his request, but Peterson remains undaunted, noting that there are other uniform changes that have been OK'd - among them cardigan sweaters, vests, and even a pith helmet. Granted , none of those will risk having customers seeing your Vienna Sausage when you have to pick up a letter after you drop it...
Peterson says he will be back in 2010 at the next convention - kilts and all.........

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