Friday, August 15, 2008

Maybe It's Time These Two Bought a House....

This Guy Has Been Banned From His Girlfriend's House for Noisy Sex...
You ever live next to a screamer? I have once or twice. I remember when I lived in a basement apartment with my ex when we were single, and my landlord's girlfriend was a bit of a yeller....Who am I kidding - I thought she was being murdered , for Pete's sake! It is a bit uncomfortable. So, how did we get even? We'd wait for them to fall asleep, then we'd make our own noise. At least that's how I like to remember it.... Maybe not. This is my blog, and I'll revise history in any way I see fit.
There doesn't appear to be any question that Adam Hinton and Kerry Norris are a couple of noisemakers. Hinton would come to Norris' apartment in England, they'd put on some nice bass-driven music, and treat the neighbors to some headboard banging and praising of Jesus and God - sort of. It got so bad that Hinton has been banned from coming within 100 meters of Norris home. Clearly, it's time to get a house in the country, where they can scream to their heart's content.
How bad had it gotten. Neighbors were having to take sick days due to a lack of sleep, one person's daughter developed bed wetting and nightmares from all the swearing, and the city had to put people up in temporary housing. It came to a head when Hinton threatened a neighbor who complained - probably in one of tose classic British threats, like "I cut off your bangers and mash", or "I'll beat your twig and berries til you cry" kinda things. The British are like that.....
Hinton was eventually fined $560 in fines and court costs. Norris is standing by her man, although with that kind of money, he could have rented a nice motel room. I can't blame her though... the only time I made woman scream like that was after I forgot to do the dishes for a week. That reminds me. How do you make a Jewish scream twice? I'll give you the punchline in person....


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    last time I was in London I stayed at the Hilton Gatwick and it was over 800 American dollars it was boring glad to see some brits doing something to make noise

  2. the hotel was boring, or the trip as a whole? Guess you prefer Green Bay over London.
