Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Picks Biden for VP..... Uh, Okay..

Hey, That's Not Joe Biden !! At Least I THINK That's Not Joe Biden.
So, after all the hoopla and the possible VP candidates, what we told you two weeks ago came true - Joe Biden will be Barack Obama's Vice-Presidential candidate. Yeah, I predicted Hillary a couple months back, but who gets long-term predictions right? Oh yeah, I picked Obama to win the nomination back in January too. Damn, I AM GOOD ......
The big question is whether Joe Biden was the right choice. In some ways yes, but in many others, the answer is no. Yes, Biden will definitely be a better attack dog than John Edwards was four years ago. Edwards just didn't have any cajones - but they were kinda busy, weren't they?
Biden will also make up for Obama's shortcomings in Foreign Policy, but there were a few others he could have chosen to stop that gap. The real test is what will Obama gain by having Biden as his VP? There are a ton of risks. For starters, he can count on a win in Delaware, and both it's electoral votes - oh wait, he already had that.
Then there is Biden's mouth. Not only what he may say in the future, but what he's already said about Obama in the past. He has a reputation for talking too much, and for sticking his foot in his mouth at the wrong moment. He is officially on the clock for The Big One.....
The big trouble for Obama is not what policy shortcomings to plug, but to widen his base. Biden being Catholic is nice, but he just ignored the biggest focus group there is: Women. Specifically, the Hillary Clinton Fan Club. Before picking Biden, 20% were already voting for John McCain, and another 30% were undecided. No doubt these folks are none too happy with finding out she wasn't even vetted. Take those 30% of half of the half of the votes the Dems get, and you lose 6-7 points in the election. Hence, the 53% becomed the 46% hump that Obama can't get over - and he loses.
Obama didn't make a bad choice by picking Biden over Clinton - but he did make the wrong choice, and he might have four years to think about it........


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    so does this make it the Obiden ticket?

  2. Either that or a Joebama or Joebarack Obiden. An other ones, folks?

  3. Obama Bin Biden seems to be the overwhelming favorite. although I did come up with my own - O Joe Stinko.
