Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ray Nagin Gets a Second Chance....

Gustav Makes a Bee-Line For New Orleans......
It's not often that you get a chance to make up for a mistake you made earlier. I can remember a few times when I wished I had said or done something different in the last few years - even a time or two here. If things continue on like they are, it looks like Ray Nagin may get that chance.....
Nagin, the embattled Mayor of New Orleans, may have a return engagement with the same disaster that ruined his city just three years ago. Hurricane Gustav is getting ready to go into the Gulf of Mexico, and models have it heading for Nawlins once again, as a Category 3 Hurricane - the same as Katrina. Bobby at the SC6 Weather Center says........hold on........... wait a second..........I'm at his house right now.......... he says - it hits just west, around Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Things are a little different than in 2005. I would think if you yell 'evacuate' in New Orleans now, and everyone will get out of Dodge. But there are other, more political reasons that if the Chocolate city gets hit, they will do better. For starters, Kathleen Blanco is gone. Not a lot is made of it, but Nagin endorsed Bobby Jindal for Governor right before Katrina hit, and there were many rumors that Blanco was less than responsive to Nagin. Jindal is now Governor, so maybe that will help.
Of course, George Bush is outgoing as President, and it was all his fault anyway, so hopefully Bush will carry those supplies on his back to Louisiana a lot faster than last time. Having a FEMA Director with emergency experience helps too......
Still, Nagin will be the face of New Orleans if Gustav hits the Big Easy, and all the low lying areas haven't rebuilt yet. He has to be wondering what he did wrong in a past life to have this happen twice during his tenure as Mayor. The last guy never had this problem........


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    we started pulling our people out of louisiana yesterday but we have always been early lets hope it turns to mexico

  2. And the gas prices went right up, though it is Labor Day weekend...

  3. Anonymous3:19 PM

    love my chocalate love my oil

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Curiously this time Nagin and others didn't tell FEMA to ESAD. I Wonder how ex-Gov Blanco feels today.
