Sunday, August 24, 2008

Swami Puts It On the Record: Ridge to be VP Pick.

Smile Tom, You're Gonna Be McCain's VP Choice ....
Now that Barack Obama has made his choice of Joe Biden for Vice-President, the focus turns to the Republicans and John McCain's pick. I know I have already stated who I think McCain will pick, but I heard a good argument today to confirm my thoughts, and to cement my political analytical skills with you guys. I might not be everyone's first choice for analysis - but I should be..
Watching Fox News Sunday today, the panel were talking about McCain's VP choices, and Bill Kristol - not the comedian/actor - brought up a valid point. With Obama choosing an experienced foreign policy guy in Joe Biden, Team McCain may be forced to shorten their VP list. There is a real worry that Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty doens't have the chops on the topic to match Biden, and that would void out any advantage McCain has over Obama.
Despite the signs, McCain still has a preoccupation with terrorism and foreign policy, despite the polls that show America's biggest concern is the economy. It is his strength, and he wants to keep it his advantage, so his VP pick needs to be well-versed in it too, so Pawlenty is out. That would also bode badly for Mitt Romney as well. Yes, he would help McCain with the economic issues, and he is Pro-Life (this year), but these are secondary issues to Team McCain. So, who is left?
Well, Lindsey Graham doesn't want the job, so that leaves his other buddy Joe Lieberman and Tom Ridge. While Ridge is Pro-Choice, he has stated publicly that the VP's job is to support the President's position, and McCain seems satisfied with the answer. Maybe conservatives aren't, but they don't have much choice. McCain has been floating the Lieberman idea around, and although it wouldn't keep me home in November, many conservatives would revolt with a McCain-Lieberman ticket. So, Tom Ridge is the choice, almost by default....
Lock it in the vault - you heard it here first.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    maybe so but it aint lieberman or anyone from the south except maybe florida or la.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I think you are right. Check out this site:

  3. Crist is still a possibility, but I don't think he wants it. Jindal is out -too young.

  4. Anon, I am ALWAYS right - most of the time.

  5. Despite the Dems and the allied main stream media’s desperation to see Romney as McCain’s Veep, Mitt is clearly out, with (1) Obama doubling down on the class warfare theme (McCain’s 7 houses) and (2) McCain doubling down with ads showing the hypocrisy of Biden attacking Obama in the primaries — Romney did way more than that contra McCain.

    This leaves only Govs Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty. Pro-abortion Ridge and Dem-Lieberman were never real considerations, despite relentless media goading. Pawlenty’s lackluster TV performances, coupled with Palin pizzazz, the primacy of oil drilling and the ticked off women/Hillary voters, does now portend a McCain/Palin checkmate on the Dems. This is so albeit the Dems and liberal media dare not mention Palin’s name, that is, everyone but…..

    And if there’s any question as to Palin being uniquely positioned and able to more than nullify Biden in debate, see the excellent discussion at

    Team McCain, well done!!!

  6. I won't rule out the possibility that they're trying to twist Kay Bailey Hutchinson into considering the VP slot. That would be a bold signal to the disgrunted Hillary supporters.

  7. KBH is a little old, and Texas is not a swing state- and I don't think she's interested.

    Palin would take the job, but I heard there are a couple minor problems she's dealing with in Alaska.

  8. Anonymous2:23 PM


  9. Rudy would be nice, because he IS The Man, but he's giving the Keynote Address, so that would unofficially knock him out. Romney and Jindal are also scheduled, so I'd ex them out too..

  10. Throw Ted a bone , folks !!!

    Sarah Palin it is ! Ted's probably a McCain staffer trying to help me out, but I didn't listen - DAMMIT !!!!!
