Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Veepstakes Is About Over, and Both Go for the Old Guys...

The VP Leaders, And What They're Known for Best......
Hey, remember when SC6 used to talk about politics???? It's August before the conventions - it's the Dead Season. Forgive us for not 'inventing' stories when no one is around to read them. We're saving for the stretch run to see if we can make the Wall Street Journal or New York Times again...
Anywho, it looks like both Barack Obama and John McCain are ready to choose a Vice-Presidential candidate to join them - and both are playing it safe. Too safe if you ask us. Obama appears to be heading towards choosing Joe Biden (which we mentioned a week or two ago). Biden will plug a gap or two here and there - he is experienced in Foreign Policy, and he will surely fill the VP Attack Dog Role well. But, is Biden really the right guy for Obama? He is definitely a DC Insider (35 Years in the Senate), and he has a habit for saying the wrong thing. Who should he pick? I still think picking Hillary Clinton would lock up a win for him, but if he wants to make it more difficult, more power to him...
Meanwhile, John McCain is adding some zip, spice and youth into his campaign by choosing - uh - Tom Ridge. Some of you folks might be asking, 'Who is Tom Ridge?'. Well, he was Governor of Pennsylvania, and Director of Homeland Security, and the inventor of the Color Coding for Domestic Terrorism. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling kinda Green today...
McCain is going to be 72 next week, so he picks another older guy who also has national Security experience, so I guess McCain is a bit of a narcissist, because he obviously likes himself. Seriously, if McCain picks Ridge, he gets nowhere closer to winning in November... He needs a guy who can pull a state - Ridge will not beat Ed Rendell in Pennsylvania - and who understands the economy during this rough economic year. Ridge isn't that guy. Pick a guy who has abudget to deal with , and who can bring a little fresh air into the stale GOP slate......
If you aren't just taking my word for it, The Politico has a good in-depth article on the Veepstakes online, and we invite you to read it, and make up your own mind. So, who should Obama and McCain pick?


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Obama ought to pick his cousin, Dick Cheney, to continue to try to pull the nihiliscent centrists.

    McCain ought to pick Strom Thurmond, Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman or Gary McLeod.

  2. I've heard a lot about whether we need 4 more years of the old Bush-Cheney-Obama policies....

    As far as McCain, half of your possibilities are impossible.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    4 more years of Carter-Clinton-Bush-Obama or Reagan-Bush-McCain?
