Friday, August 01, 2008

We're Officially In a Recession... Why ??

Yep, I'm Unemployed Again.......
Well, i couldn't get through another Summer without getting fired again.. Clearly, things are not good right now. I had talked to you guys about nearly getting canned about six weeks ago, and I had made some real steps to adjust my attitude at work, but all it took was one unhappy customer, and all that was brought up again...
Basically what happened was I called a customer disputed what they authorized to have us repair on their car, and during the discussion between us, he was offended when I commented that he was probably as responsible for the misunderstanding as we were. He got ticked, went to management, and asked for my job. My bosses didn't believe the truth, so they fired me. Despite being the top producer and highest customer satisfaction at the dealership, they let me go - over one customer.
So, where do we go from here? Well, I will be getting unemployment, so that will help a little bit. Also, i finally will be able to come back to Florence and find a job. It will be nice to see Ms. X more often, but that might be over too. I'll find out more on that this weekend, but she's always been pretty understanding when I do something stupid before....
I have a whole pile of stuff I could blog about, but today I just don't feel up to it. Maybe tomorrow. I'm just in a state of shock over everything that happened yesterday. Trust me , I'd like to visit the guy and tell him what i think, but I'll settle for ths instead. It's Glen the Manager at Stan Mikita's Donuts from Wayne's World. Pay attention to the second clip, the rest are pretty funny too, but have no bearing on this post...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

give up on the skank ho, ok?

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Okay, since you put it so nicely.