Monday, August 25, 2008

Will Obama and Hillary Make Nice in Denver ?

Look Out , Barack... There's an ACME Anvil Over Your Head.
Well, we're finally at the Democratic convention, and I'm kinda surprised to hear what I'm hearing today. After months of 'making up' , we're in Denver, and the big worry among everyone is the friction between Team Obama and The Clintons. I thought this was already taken care of, but it sure looks like the two groups have some real problems going on..
There is a real good, in-depth article in The Politico, that gives a real sense that Obama and Clinton haven't patched up fully - and that the main problem is, once again, not Hillary, but Bill Clinton... Is this just a bunch of media hooey, or are we in Denver, and Obama and Clinton still squabbling? Make up your own mind......


  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    They do resemble Pinky and the Brain... ZOIT!
