Monday, August 11, 2008

Women In Politics Group Seems to be Skipping Some Candidates..

Hey SEIWP, Where Is Our Girl Britton Pruett At ????

I was taking my daily stroll through SC Hotline today. Yes, i went job hunting today. It is going fine, but I ain't saying a damn thing til I sign an offer. Anyway, I ran across an article about Cathy Harvin from the Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics. It's a small listing of various women in South Carolina who are running for office on the state and Federal levels. The list looks a bit incomplete.....

In fairness to SEIWP, the list is politically impartial. There are Democrats and Republicans listed, the reason being that the candidates are invited - though not directly - to fill out the information online. My question is this: are there really that many female candidates running that SEIWP couldn't voluntarily contact each female candidate to take the survey? I'm sure there are soem guys who can tell me exactly how many there are running, but I'd guess the number is no more than 20-25.

Being a Republican in the Pee Dee, I'm wondering where Britton Pruett and Nancy Harrelson are? Sure, it's their responsibility to contact every possible group that they can, but I know these ladies have limited funds and people. Certainly SEIWP could have - and still could - reach Britton and Nancy to make their list more complete.
I'm not one who votes for or against a candidate simply based on their sex, but we do need to have women represented in Columbia and Washington - as long as they aren't liberal idiots. If SEIWP is going to take the time to setup a web page to promote these candidates, then promote ALL of them......


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I agree on this. While I know them both also I hate to see them left out of these things.

  2. Yeah, seems a bit selective to me. Britton and Nancy have to find every one of these goofy groups for maximum exposure.

  3. You're asking for fairness? Fat chance on getting that.

  4. I suppose what I'm asking is for them to get off their asses and FIND these people, rather than just leaving the site open for the candidates to find them. I wouldn't have run into SEIWP ever if it wasn't for SC Hotline.
