Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The 2008 Convention: Why Obama Doesn't Need to Go On the Offensive...

Why Focus On Bristol Palin, When MSNBC Will Do It For You ?

I'll be very brief.. It's getting a bit late. It's Day 3 of the GOP Convention, and things are finally starting to get back to normal. The speeches are getting sharper - my man Rudy Giuliani is gladly sinking his teeth into Barack Obama's tushie - Damn, I wish he won....... I still love the guy.

As far as the other speakers tonight, Meg Whitman was pretty good, Carly Fiorina? ZZZZZZZZ.... Mitt Romney was okay, but not spectacular. Mike Huckabee had the entire convention in the palm of his hand. If you want a good speaker, always hire a pastor...

Now , the reason for my late and unexpected post. Sarah Palin is getting ready to speak, and her family is sitting in the VIP section. From the moment she got there, MSNBC had it's camera focused solely on Plain's pregnant 17-yr old daughter, Bristol for what seemed like an eternity... GIVE THE POOR KID A FRIGGIN BREAK, YOU ASSHOLES !!!

No, this whole thing is not a big plus for the GOP, but Barack Obama doesn't need to take advantage of this, because MSNBC will gladly do it for him for free. Just leave the camera on the poor girl for an hour or two, and maybe something else will happen. Finally, someone at the network got their brain straight, and took the camera off her. Not fast enough, guys....



  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    poor kid??? life is all about the choices you make, and she made a bad one. she knew what could happen when she spread her legs for that she has to take responsibility and accountability for it and deal with the consequences. this is what happens when your mother names you after a city in Connecticut...after all, "Connecticut is for fucking"<<< song reference for those unfamiliar with it. i agree the media can be a pain in the ass and blow everything out of proportion though. damn, I never thought Mike Reino would become a bleeding heart liberal!

  2. No doubt the responsibility lies solely in the girl's lap, or just slightly further south of her lap.. But, this kid's having an MSNBC camera solely on her for 5 straight minutes at the convention. No kid needs that kind of exposure.
