Sunday, September 07, 2008

Congrats, America ! You're Paying Attention..

TV Ratings Show Many People Are Interested In Presidential Race.....
This will probably my only post today. I'm taking the day off to sleep off last night, and clean up a bit around the house. We here are generally pretty involved in politics, but most of the time, we're in the minority. In America, politics is not the hot topic of discussion. It's viewed as a personal thing, like religion. Go to Europe sometime - all they talk about is politics....
There was some good news that all that is starting to change this year. Most political conventions are virtually ignored. Why? Because they're pretty boring. Most of it are formalities, so why watch? This year was different..
The ratings came in, and both the Democratic and Republican conventions drew 42.4 million viewers on average. That's pretty good. Now, people are using the fact that since they drew the same ratings, that shows that the race between John McCain and Barack Obama is even. I doubt it. I watched both conventions, and to assume that nearly 85 million different people watched the conventions would be crazy. There are plenty of guys like Ben, who wouldn't miss a day of Spike TV to watch a convention if you paid him. They're not THAT into it.
However, the high ratings do show that in this important political year, more people are actually paying attention, and maybe making a more informed decision than ever before. Sure, Obama always draws a crowd, and the introduction to Sarah Palin were big factors in the high ratings, but whatever the reason was, it's a good thing. Kudos, America !!


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Palin was great and her parents are very nice

  2. You got to meet them, Moye?

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    yes they were staying at our hotel remember they are on alaska time. we were down stairs partying with sc delegates and they came in around 1 am or so. we were actually planning election strategy. earlier that night palin came in for a few minutes rob got her autograph on his pass and i believe joshua may have gotten his picture taken with her she and her family were staying at our hotel along with mccain family, liberman, graham, all our gop congressman that was there from sc except brown, katon, demint, thompson etc.

  4. Sounds like a real good time - definitely a convention to remember - for both parties.
