Saturday, September 06, 2008

Did McCain Use The Wrong Walter Reed ??

Funny, That Doesn't Look Like a Military Hospital.......
If you watched the Republican National Convention last week, you couldn't help but notice the big screen behind the stage, which showed various pictures from across America. Most made sense, but there was one that was a bit hard to figure out - especially for the kids who saw their school on national television.....
The kids at Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood , CA got a big surpise in seeing their school show up on the screen during John McCain's speech. Why was it on there? No one knows for sure right now.... It could have been a mistake, and they meant to put on Walter Reed Army Hosptial in DC, and a staffer screwed up - but no one is admitting that.
Could it have been just becuase the school is really cool looking? Maybe, but the principal wasn't real thrilled. She put out a statement indicating that the picture was not used with permission of the school district. Good job of covering your ass in Liberal California. Still, the kids liked seeing it. Cassidy Boland, 12, said her jaw dropped when she spied her school beaming out from the Republican National Convention arena in St. Paul, Minn."I was like, wow! It's not a lot of times that you see our school on TV. I called my friends right away. I was on the phone all night," Skyla Swafford said. "Most of my friends don't watch CNN and all of that. They didn't believe me -- they said I was just trying to make my school look cool."
Kudos to those kids for actually paying attention to politics, and congrats for having your school on National TV. Don't ever expect it to happen again.....

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