Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Forget Niagara Falls.... Let's Get Married at a Funeral Home !!!

Today's Schedule: Four Funerals and a Wedding ???
Where you get married says a lot about you. I've been to weddings at a church (plenty), a wedding hall (Joe & Carol), a park (Bobby's first), and even on the beach (Bobby's 2nd). Some of us even just go to the JP - cheap !! However, it's safe to say that Jason and Rachel Storm are of a different ilk....
The Storm's didn't have their wedding in the normal sense - they had it at the funeral home Jason works at. Talk about a wedding to remember... Of course, there were no dead people at the reception - unless you count Uncle Fred and Aunt Sophie. Jason and Rachel looked at it in a different way. "I look at it as, if you go to a church and get married, how many caskets have rolled down the aisle there." He's got a point. A small point, but......
If you think the bride has a problem with the location, think again. "It didn't creep me out at all. I'm very accustomed to what he does. The one thing I'm very much about is being unique." If that's what she was shooting for, boy did she hit the nail on the head with this one.
Maybe they weren't really thinking about their guests confort level , but heck , it's their day, and they're just a couple crazy kids, so wish 'em luck....Which begs the question: Where was the weirdest place you ever went to a wedding?


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    lets see...the park, in which SOMEBODY could have said "yes, i object to these two getting married".

  2. Kooky or not, if they're both in love and into getting married, why object?
