Monday, September 22, 2008

I Finally Start Kicking Back....

It's Official: Mike's Tired of Being Pushed Around......

Some of you might not agree, but I think I'm a pretty nice guy. I wouldn't say I was raised right - I needed more toughness. The term gullible often comes to mind myself. If you tell me something, chances are that I will believe you. Gullible? Maybe. God knows the last couple places that I've worked have fed me some tall tales.... Well, it all is ending.

Don't believe me? Well, for starters, after my dad called Sunday to accuse me of three different things in five minutes, I told him to drop dead and never bother calling me again. Now. some of you may think this is very harsh, but let me make one thing clear - my dad is pretty evil. Ask Bobby, he's seen it. I've listed the abuse before, so i'll skip listing it out again, but i will tell you why, which tells you the twisted gene pool that I come from. My dad is convinced that I killed my mom by being born. Try living with that your entire life... I forgave him for everything a long time ago, but I'm done associating with him, because he sucks the life out of me.

On to other things. On Friday, I found out that Hilton Head Honda reneged on their promise to OK my unemployment, and worse, they lied as to why they fired me. So, I appealed the denial today, and if they want to keep fighting me, they can drive the three hours up to Flotown to argue face to face with me. Will they do that to fight me over three weeks unemployment? I doubt it. I think I just won......

And what about where I'm at now? Discretion folks, right? Certainly there are things that I am not happy with, but I am home, so I'll keep doing my job, and I'll point out what I need to be happy there. If not, there are other options, but i think I can make it work here... Personally, I think I am a good friend, but some haven't been there for me. I have bent over backwards to try and keep everyone happy, but it needs to be mutual. I am worth the time and aggravation, so please think twice before writing me off... I'm a pretty cool guy, but things need to be a two-way street....

So, does this mean i'm going to be a total scumbag from now on? Of course not. But those who take me for granted, take notice. You'll have to step on someone else.........have a nice day!!



  1. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I always said you were a nice guy

  2. Good friend ... let's watch that graduation party video?

  3. Hey, that was all in good fun. No harm intended...

  4. Anonymous6:44 PM

    yea lets watch that video again
