Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain Bumps Up In the Polls, But Is It Enough?

John McCain's Wet Dream.........
It's been a week since John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his VP choice, and the bump appears to be in full steam ahead mode - especially with women. It makes me wonder two things: what if Barack Obama had picked Hillary Clinton or Kathleen Sebelius, and secondly: guess the old adage that a VP choice is inconsequential just flew out the window. Where McCain was a sturdy nine points down last week, this week, he is dead even to up as many as four points. The biggest advance? A twenty point swing with white women voters.
Okay folks, this is all good news, but it's time to pee on the bonfire here a little... While McCain is doing well in the national polls, how about the thing that really matters - the Electoral College? I know, I know.... THE WHAT ???
Ask Al Gore what means the most in an election - the popular vote or the electoral votes - and he'll tell you, it's the electoral votes. Winning states is what matters, which is why no one has given much of a crap about South Carolina since January - we're going for McCain. End of story.... But as good as the news is for McCain is, in the electoral map, he has still not been shown as the winner in any scenario so far. The closest one I've seen so fra is from NBC's Chuck Todd, who has Obama with 211, McCain with 189, and about 110 up for grabs.
Granted, if McCain-Palin keeps the momentum, eventually some of these states will roll over to the GOP. But there is still a lot of ground to make up. That, and until McCain can crack the 50% mark, there is no cause to feel comfortable in a November win right now. Obama is having his worst week yet, and it is starting to show, but he certainly isn't losing at this point.


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    VA FL OH NH will roll over to us write it down.

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    PA also

  3. He's going to need those states. Virginia may go back to the GOP, but he'll need a lot of help from Roanoke and Blacksburg....
