Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Obvious News: I'm Not Like the Rest of You Guys Here..

All Neurotic Yankees, Turn Left at Hilton Head......

In yet another study that uncovers the obvious, Dr. Peter J. Rentfrow has made an amazing discovery - that people form different areas have different character traits. In other words, I'm from New York, so people in South Carolina in general are not familiar with my neurotic tendencies, and therefore, they don't understand....

He studied all 50 states and the District of Columbia - or is that all 57 states? Anyway, he ranked them in order based on five different traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Contientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness. I could spend all day pointing out the differences between all 50 states, but let's focus on you, me , and a couple other odd ones.....

New York.

Surprise, surprise - we're neurotic. Being stuck in traffic all day and paying $12k a year in property taxes a year will do that to you. Yes, we're kooky people, but we are also number 2 on the openness list. So, although we are not very extroverted, are terribly unagreeable, and not very contientous, we do tell you how we feel about stuff. I think this blog proves that, don't you.

South Carolina

Like the Clemson and USC football teams, South Carolina's people are a little bit of everything, and not enough of anything. Middle of the pack in extroversion, and openness, it's residents are relatively contientious (#16), slightly agreeable , although not compared to it's Southern neighbors(#20), and in a shocker, pretty high on the neurotic scale as well (#16).

and here's a few tips for when you're on the road.....

Washington, DC

Like it's politicians, they are very Extraverted and Open, although not Conscientious, but highly Neurotic and Disagreeable.... Sounds like Congress....


Sarah Palin may fit in great in DC. Alaskans are introverted, disagreeable, very unconscientious, unopen , yet highly neurotic. Stay away from Alaska at all costs......

North Dakota

Seemingly perfect - or is it. North Dakotans are Number 1 Extraverts and Agreeableness, near last in Neurosis, and yet very Conscientious - yet near dead last in Openness. Translation? They're great to be around, but dont believe a friggin' word they say......



  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    heard last week that chicago is the most stressful city to live in with all these obama commercials every five minutes i can see why

  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    this is why I have never dated a southern girl for more than 6 weeks, but the others I dated, and or married, for a long period of time were all from either PA (my home state), Ohio, Michigan and Minnesota.
    That is why I suggest to you Mr. Reino, to find a transplant from the northeast.
