Friday, September 12, 2008

SC6 Cracks the Secret Service : Code Names For the Candidates !!

They Call Cindy McCain WHAT ???!!!!!

At the risk of having my passport revoked (like I'll be leaving the county anytime soon), or being sent to Guantanamo Bay and having things shoved in my poop chute, I have gone deep within the most enclosewd of the US Security structure - the Secret Service. If you can keep a secret, I will tell you what everyone wants to know - the Secret Service's code names for all the Presidential candidates....

Promise you won't tell? Okay, I'll spill the beans - after all, no one reads this blog anyway....

John McCain - "Phoenix"

Is this because he's from Arizona, or because last year, he was left for dead?

Barack Obama - "Renegade"

Either he owns one of those Jeep Wranglers, or he's a big Rage Against the Machine fan..

Cindy McCain - "Parasol"

I don't think I've ever seen her flying by a parachute of the back of a boat.... Oh, PARASOL !! Ever see her with an umbrella? Me neither.......Don't ask, I have no idea.

Michelle Obama - 'Renaissance'

It's one of two possibilities: She thinks she the new Jackie Kennedy, or it's for when the last time she was proud of America..... Yes, I said it !!

Sarah Palin - 'Denali'

After the National park in Alaska - not the car, and not the Ice Cream - although Denali ice Cream kicks ass....

Todd Palin - 'Driller'

I hope it's because he works on an oil well, although if I were him, I'd be drilling soemthing else 65 hours a week too. Yep, I said it again.....

Joe Biden - 'Celtic'

Ooooohhh, big surprise, he's Irish !! Maybe they could have called him Bailey's, or I still think 'Sam the Eagle' is more appropriate.....

Mrs. Biden - ' Sn...AAAAGGGRRRHHHHHH !!!!!'

This blog has been temporarily closed down by the US Secret Service until further notice.

Special Agent Kowalski.


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