Monday, September 01, 2008

Well, That Didn't Take Long.....

Three Days Later, The Dirt Is Getting Out....
Give the sludgemongers credit - they can certainly find their shit. Just three days after John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential nominee, word is out that Palin's 17-year old daughter, Bristol, is pregnant.
Now, i'm not some big prude. Yes, 17-year old kids have sex - a lot. Palin, who is Pro-Life, has said that she will marry the baby daddy and have the baby. That's all and well, but I have a few questions that seriously make me wonder what the hell is going on in my party...
First off, the girl's pregnancy is not the important issue here. I feel sorry for the girl, becuase while most kids don't think of the consequences, this poor kid had no idea that this would happen.. What I have problems with are these.
1. When did Palin know her daughter was pregnant?
2. Did Palin tell John McCain, or withhold this info?
3. Did John McCain know, and still pick Palin?
I have this nightmare scenario playing in my head.. "Bristol, sweetie, I know this will be very, very humiliating to you, but Mommy has a chance to be Vice-President, so let's just sweep this under the rug, OK?". I know she's busy doing the whole "Bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a Pan" routine, but having your oldest daughter get pregnant, and not taking yourself out of the VP running tells me two things. You're not putting your party first, and you have no control over your own family.
Politically, one of two things happened, and neither are good. Either Palin withheld the info, or McCain knew, and somehow didn't see this as a major, major problem. So, which would you rather have - a VP who lied, or a President who either had no vetting process, or couldn't see the ramifications of this? Guess this will now make Palin a soon-to-be G-MILF.......
Right now, I feel like slamming my head on the table for about an hour or two. For almost the entire time that I've been in politics, i've had to defend a party that spends it ass off, and preaches "Family Values", while living the lives that a pack of alleycats wouldn't accept. Maybe the RNC doesn't see this as a HUGE, HUGE problem, but I'm not as blinded by advancing my career in the party not to see this. The Democrats are laughing at us again, because we may have just given them the Presidency.....


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    come on man when i got pregnant my future wife was pregnant of course it was during the hippie days. my mother is a huge christian and she raised me right but she was not responsible for my sex life

  2. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Mike, I suspect, by now, that you've heard that Palin did tell McCain AND with that knowledge, he still chose her.

    Curious is the quid pro quo from Obama, that the press playing at paraparizzi with the kids is way off base, be it his kids or his opponent's kids.

    Maybe, at least on the surface here, we have some steps towards civility.

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    PS The scurrilous side of this mess is suggesting that not only that the 17 year old is knocked up, but that she's the mom of the five month old in the household... only prob is that she is only five months pregnant.

    Also deniable is Strom Thurmond's paternity of any of the Palin kids or Barack Hussein Obama, Jr or Sr.

    Geez and we are told that the Clintonista mudslingers have left the field... gotta have something to blame on that Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

  4. yeah, Rhino. The Daily Kos really needs to check their Math before accusing people of stuff. No wonder no onepays attention to them - except ABC News.

    Diane Sawyer was giving a McCain staffer the 3rd degree on air all about this stuff. Obama can afford to stay mum because the media will gladly do the dirty work for him in this case...

  5. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Is it the republican party or a baptist convention? sounds about the same to me...preach one way and do another.

  6. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Is it the republican party or a baptist convention? sounds about the same to me...preach one way and do another.

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Sarah Palin wears less make-up than the Breck Girl, John Edwards...

  8. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Sarah Palin, the "other" I spoke of to Obi Wan.

  9. Hey, that's not proper Yoda-speak. "Palin Sarah, the other Of Obi Wan I speak" is more correct... NO ??
