Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where Do We Go Now ??

The Day After, And Congress Takes the Day Off For Rosh Hashanah ...

In case you missed it today, the stock market rebounded from it's 777 point loss with a 485 upturn today. Why? Probably because Congress wasn't in session to screw things up further. Call it addition by subtraction.....

Yeah, there are some things going on behind the sidelines, so on the small chance that they're reading my blog, I'll give my tips to Congressional leaders to improve and pass the bailout bill...

To Nancy Pelosi - ZIP IT !!

To the House Republicans - grow thicker skin, and realize that after overspending for a decade, this may be the one spending bill that actually does something. I don't like it either, but suck it up.

To the Congressional Black Caucus - go push the part to allow judges to work on the existing mortgageholders' rate to keep them paying. Aside from that, give it up. ACORN is a waste, and the policy the CBC has pushed for decades to get people into houses they couldn't afford has failed. You screwed your own people...

To John McCain. Stop letting voters think that you know nothing about the economy, and show how you had sponsored legislation that would have stemmed this off 5 years ago.

To President Bush. If Congress can't fix it, use the steps you have to do it yourself - grow a pair, Man !!!! Time is short, do it on your own and maybe save your Presidency....

To Barack Obama. Hope this goes away soon. There's a big trail behind you on this one.

Will this all work out? I'll say it again...... It better, and quick..


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