Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yankee Stadium Is Closed.. Let the Looting Begin !

Bolt Those Suckers Down...... They're Worth $1500 On E-Bay....
Yes, after 85 years, Yankee Stadium has closed it's doors for good. Now it's time for every New Yorker's other favorite sport - looting for profit !!! Let's just say that they got started early...
Seat, signs, even paint off the walls - Yankee fans were attacking every single thing that wasn't nailed, bolted or welded down - and even that didn't work. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that every toilet paper holder was empty, so that some fan has a roll of Yankee Asswipe on their mantle.....
The NYC Po-Po were doing the best they could..... After the game, twenty fans had been arrested for destrcution of property - including the son of a retired New Jersey police Chief.. Hey this is nothing new. Tearing up pieces of stadium turf is a New York tradition. I had a chunk of Shea Stadium turf circa 1969 in my backyard growing up. It's a neverending game of cat and mouse. Let the game begin......


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    i want that ball back from that little shithead that robbed the Orioles!

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I remember the tale of us having shea turf...but where was it?

  3. The O' were going down anyway.. if not that kid, we had 20 backups that night.

    Martha, th Shea turf patch was in the backyard, near that goofy bush by neighbor Pete's yard.
