Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As If Things Couldn't Get Worse For McCain...

Obama's Takes Two Days to Visit His Sick Grandma... And the World Mourns Right Along With Him....
When things start going bad, its hard to keep it from getting worse sometimes... Word came out today that Barack Obama is taking two days off to visit his grandmother in Hawaii. According to Obama's uncle, Madelyn Dunham is 'gravely ill' after breaking her hip from a fall earlier in the year.
It's not uncommon for these things to happen. A broken hip often leads to other ailments, such as embolisms . Maybe she is nearing the end, and Obama is stopping by to say goodbye , or just to check up on her before the very last days of the campaign come. After all, he's skipping trips to Wisconsin and Iowa - not exactly battleground states for him....
Is there anythign wrong with this? Absolutely not. What is disgustign is how the media was treating this. Good Morning America had it as their LEAD STORY.... They then went into another campaign story, and they had two guests on - one from each side. the first thing out of Diane Sawyer's mouth? "Please tell Senator Obama that we all send our best to him and his Grandmother. And my check is in the mail." OK, I made up that second part.
It's pretty bad when even the worst type of news works out as a positive for your opponent. If this keeps up, John McCain is going to have to amputate a testicle, and say he had a tumor.... Or maybe his Mom could start not feeling so well...


  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    We have long called for freeing Obama's white grandmother. Now it seems his Luo Grandmother in Kenya is the one that needs to be freed, inconvenient, since she has attested to witnessing Obama's birth in Kenya...

  2. Is that the whole controversy? That Obama was actually born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and therefore would be ineligible to be President?

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Ineligible to even be a Senator... big time egg on someone's face, like... the DNC.

    As soon as Hill can find a way to blame the vast right wing conspiracy, who steps in in her party unity my A$$ leotard and cape?

  4. You still haven't given up on the 'Hillary Saving America' at the last minute scenario yet, eh Rhino?

  5. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Mikey, it just hangs there like so much opposition dirt that awaits being played in this poker game. Probably thanks to something equally damning on Hill, she can't play that card, so the GOP sits as the most probable fall guy for this one. Jerome Corsi has documented enough of the Kenyan side of things to have seen him snatched from a press conference in Nairobi by paid off Kenyan soldiers with automatic weapons and detained until they could "not really deport" but df facto deport him.

    What I'd like to know is what Barry Sotero has on Hillary AND OR Bill... the truth about Vince Foster perhaps?

  6. Barry wasn't a blip on the screen when Foster died, so i doubt that's it..But you better figure it out quick - time for Hillary is running out.

    tick, tick, tick....

  7. Anonymous10:51 AM

    The other side of it is the election comes and goes AND THEN the courts compel Barry to produce the documentation, without the Daily Kos or CBS Evenless News Photoshopping and we discover that we have a constitutional crisis on our hands. The electoral college then has one less qualified candidate to vote for, thanks to BHO, Jr.'s ego and narcissism.

    Of course, the DNC opposes the PA courts moving quickly, since it would torpedo teh Dems from stem to stern, thanks to their complicity, either directly or indirectly, from truning a blind eye to fully vetting their candidate.

    Wonder what Gary Hart thinks of this Monkey Business?

  8. Anonymous10:52 AM

    PS. Barry didn't have to be a blip, only had to attract some one that knows where the bodies are buried AND is PO'ed with the Arkansas Klavern

  9. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Hope you feel just a little bad about this post now. Nice Christian thoughts posted on this.

  10. Hmmm. I'll be nice and just call you an idiot. I posted on Obama going to visit her ill Grandmother, like everyone else. I didn't say anything bad about him or his Grandmother. The critique was on the media's overexposure, and how her illness would hurt McCain's chances.

    No need to feel bad ,or to criticize my 'Nice Christian Thoughts'... I know the readers of this blog, and NONE of them have a right to look down at my values. You, I and everyone here are equally full of shit, so get off the high horse, and put your dusty cross back in the drawer.
