Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Can Republicans and Democrats Fall in Love ??

Republicans are Red, Democrats are Blue....

The couple that votes together stays together, right? Maybe , maybe not.... I read a bit of an odd article on MSN today, where a lady thought about dumping her boyfriend because..... he's....a..... GULP! .......a REPUBLICAN !!!!! And she's an Obama fan. How will it ever work????

You know, if you look hard enough, you can find something to wedge any two people from each other. But, politics seems to be the easiest. That and sports. I could NEVER date a girl who was a Red Sox fan...... Like I give a crap.

Not that I haven't experienced this from both sides. I did have a girl tell me "I couldn't go out with you - you're a friggin Republican." And I suppose she was right, because we never went out. Then again, I did go out with a Red State, superconservative, gays are gonna go to hell Republican - and it was a disaster. So, does it really matter? Or is it just me? Don't answer that, dammit !

I don't know about you, but for all the publicity that I get from politics, I rarely talk about it. Why? Because I'm generally a non-confrontational person. And I do respect other people's opinion - and their right to be wrong. So, in my opinion, if you are dating someone because of their politcal beliefs, you are nuts. There is much more to life, and more important reasons to NOT date someone - like being a Carolina or Clemson Fan. Right, Moye ?



  1. Anonymous9:50 PM


  2. Mike - women don't like me because my name is often followed by the letter A ... followed by an S ... another S ... then an H ... an O ... a L ... and an E.

    After that, I don't think the fact I'm a Republican really matters.

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I don't think being republican or democrat should be the issue. It should be whether or not you have the same moral values.

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    my first and only wife was a carolina fan and a student alumni it ended in divorce very quick the only other woman i thought i loved was a carolina maniac and it was worse than a divorce when we split and i still catch hell over dating her ten years after the fact thank god my kids were clemson do not mix a marriage man or a relationship

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    this reminds me of yet another song...woooohooooo, more youtube.


  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    losing the moral issues, is one reason we are going down the hole. It is written "There will be a day when wrong is right and right is wrong".

  7. Elvin Bishop. I got confused, because I thought Mickey Thomas sang, so I thought it was Jefferson Starship.

    I learned it already.. G, Bm,F and C.
