Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Debates Are Over.. Break Out the White Flag.

Sanctuary !!! Sanctuary !!!!

This is either John McCain doing his Quasimodo imitation, or he has a sick fascination with Barack Obama's ass....... As you can tell tonight, my AC adaptor finally arrived today, so the posts will be coming fast and furiously for the next few days. Thanks for sticking around, even if I did only take one day off. Hey, I do it all for you, so give me a little love back y'all.....

I skipped out of band practice early last night to catch a few minutes of the debate. I watched for five minutes, and the next thing I saw was McCain talking about Bill Ayres - again. I cringed.... Personally, I always felt that the smarter tie-in was to go after Obama's relationship with Jeremiah Wright, which was way closer and real. But mostly, they needed to see the tea leaves and listen and address America's concerns about the economy. But, some geniuses at Team McCain thought to ignore the voters and try to distract them was a better ploy - and it was a ploy. Now , they're trying to change it back - and no one is listening. Now he knows what it's like being me.......

Sure he did okay last night, but its like playing basketball, and your star player nails a 360 degree slam dunk at the buzzer........ to lose by 22 points. Or thirteen points, or nine points. Whatever it is.

Sure, there are three weeks left almost, but there are no October Surprises this year. We've already discussed that. The well is almost empty. For the next few weeks, we'll be focusing on what to expect life with Obama as president, it's effects on DC, and hopefully, how it affects you. It's not planned as a scare tactic... I don't really think Obama will ruin America - Congress is the real problem, but many of the bad bills coming out of the House will not be stopped - but a couple good ones might as well.

The scary part is that the Democrats have a real opportunity to run Washington for a couple decades, like they did in the 60's and 70's. If they can ignore the kook left and pass some sensible legislation, curb spending, and forget about this ridiculous infrastructure 'stimulus' plan, they could do it. But, my guess is they'll screw it up as well.....



  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    First reaction to the picture is that Obama just farted...

  2. Must be some leftover impacted waste still in Obama's lower intestine from the trip to Pakistan and Iraq this Summer.

    That Hummus will TEAR YOU UP !!

  3. as the WSJ so eye-rollingly pointed out this morning the Demos haven't had a super majority since FDR and LBJ. After the "great society" (do kids still learn about that? hearing it mentioned and looking at some of the young folks I just don't know) we entered into our "divided government" phase, at least where it counts... the Senate.

  4. The Great Society was a distant memory when I was in school in the mid-70's. I'm sure the kids have no concept of it, but it probably sounds nice and idealistic to them.

    Our only saving grace from a bloated government may be that it's already too broke spend any more, but I doubt it.

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Well at this stage it is too late for Beano and the ony way it would be useful could be dangerous in a plane, given pressure differentials using the bottle as a plug could make it a projectile that could penetrate the cabin.

  6. Yes, any fluff inside of an enclosed area is dangerous....

  7. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I think mcCain smells what Obama is full of.

  8. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The Ayres issue is newer to some voters than the Wright thing.

    Bill Ayres is not himself a significant national figure.

    The accusations against Obama do not address the issues of the moment, but they do speak to the more lasting issue of Presidential character.

  9. Sorry, but Bill Ayres or Wright for that matter is the proverbial tree falling in the woods.

    I agree that character is important,but exercising character with three weeks left in a down economy is like a football team practicing the running game on their own 20 yard line with 45 seconds left...

  10. Anonymous10:40 PM

    i guess everybody has forgotten that McCain lost hundreds of thousands of dollars for thousands of people in some scheme. i cen't remember the exact details of it right now, but he has character issues too. let he who has none cast the first stone.

  11. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Uh bobbo, are you thinking of the Keating Five? If so, McCain and John Glenn were the two of the Keating Five that were acquitted...

    Bob Bennett, the prosecutor, recommended dismissal of charges for both early in the proceedings, but, as that would have left only Dems hanging under the spectre of prosecution, it wasn't politically correct in the Senate do do so.

  12. don't bother, Rhino. Bobby has Political Tourette's Syndrome - the receiveris broken, only the outgoing works !
